Action Alert: Protect the 'People's Environmental Law' [CLOSED]

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The Trump administration has proposed a deeply troubling rollback to the "People's Environmental Law": the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We have through Tuesday, March 10, 5 p.m. to urge the administraion to reject these changes.

Please show your support for this bedrock environmental law! 

NEPA is our nation’s “look before you leap” law. It has protected our communities and our environment since 1970. But it could be severely compromised. Proposed changes would:
• eliminate important environmental review for pipelines, dams and other major projects,

• ignore science and climate change,

• allow polluter self-assessment, and

• limit public input.

Read our blog post for a full breakdown of this proposal.

Note: Politicians tell us that the more personal a message is, the more influence it has. If you have a minute, please add a personal detail or two or testimony in the comments section. You don't need to sound like an expert, just sincere.

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